Spring 2021 #LubinLife - a publication of the Lubin School of Business
     Spring 2021 Issue
Message from Dean Lawrence G. Singleton
Message from Dean Lawrence G. Singleton

We salute our Class of 2021! Although the pandemic presented formidable challenges, our graduates persevered and showed true grit. I am confident that they will be change agents as they join our cadre of successful Lubin alumni. At Lubin, we look forward to welcoming the incoming Class of 2025 in the Fall. Business education continues to evolve and the value of a business education never fades.

This issue of #LubinLife places a spotlight on students, faculty, programming, and events. Lubin will be co-hosting the 2021 Renewable Energy Conference: A Leadership Forum on Energy Policy with The Business Council of New York State, Inc. and The Hudson Renewable Energy Institute in June.

I am also delighted to announce our new Pace Business Poll, sponsored by Lubin, The Business Council of New York State, Inc., and the Business Council of Westchester. The Pace Business Poll will regularly survey businesses in Downstate New York, including New York City, Long Island, and Westchester using a variety of methods for polling local businesses. Lubin will manage the poll through its student-run research center and will provide meaningful data to The Business Council of New York State and the Westchester Business Council. The Pace Business Poll will also publish results to the Pace community and to local and national media outlets.

Great things are happening at Lubin! Hint: see the reason for my safety gear in the Lubin Under Construction update below.

Congratulations Class of 2021!

Congratulations Class of 2021!

Congratulations to Lubin's doctoral, master's, and baccalaureate graduates! Administrative and academic leadership have acknowledged the highest achieving Lubin graduates for their academic, co-curricular, and professional accomplishments. The University hosted in-person events on the New York City and Pleasantville campuses so that graduating students could gather for safe, socially distant celebrations and photos. Overall, Pace's Class of 2021 will be celebrated with a virtual ceremony on May 17. Visit Pace's commencement website to learn more. Hats off to the Class of 2021!​

Renewable Energy Conference

Renewable Energy Conference

From June 29-30, Lubin will virtually co-host the 2021 Renewable Energy Conference: A Leadership Forum on Energy Policy with The Business Council of New York State, Inc. and The Hudson Renewable Energy Institute. The aspirational goals established by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act have set New York on a path to green energy, which may pose significant challenges for businesses and consumers. The conference, which will be held via Zoom, will focus on the benefits and impacts of policy changes. Register to attend and hear from leading voices in the fields of energy, transportation, technology, academia, government policy, and business.

Information and Media Executive Scott Schulman to Visit Pleasantville Campus

Information and Media Executive Scott Schulman to Visit Pleasantville Campus

On Wednesday, October 20, Scott Schulman, executive, board member, and advisor—Information and Media, will be an Executive in Residence (EIR) on the Pleasantville campus. Mr. Schulman has led global businesses and serves as an advisor to some of the world's most successful companies. Presently he serves as a senior advisor to the Boston Consulting Group's Technology, Media, and Telecom practice. During Mr. Schulman's visit to campus, Dean Singleton will interview him and he will meet with students.

Lubin Under Construction

Lubin Under Construction

Renovations are underway as Pace embarks on the second phase of the master plan, which rebuilds floors four, five, and six of One Pace Plaza West on the New York City campus. See images of the fourth and sixth floors as Dean Singleton and President Krislov take a tour to see the work in progress. Remember, at Lubin we remain "open for business." On the New York City campus, some of us are working remotely, but we will be back in our newly renovated offices and modern classrooms in time for the Fall 2021 semester.

TikTok Marketing Head Interviewed

TikTok Marketing Head Interviewed

Dr. Randi Priluck interviewed Nick Tran, head of global marketing, TikTok, and spoke with him about his career, the company's brand and marketing strategies, the platform's meteoric growth, and his advice for those starting their marketing careers. Mr. Tran has been featured on Forbes' and Ad Age's "40 Under 40" lists. This event was co-sponsored by the Pace New York City American Marketing Association chapter and the Pace Advertising Club.

Mobile App Contest Winners

Mobile App Contest Winners

Co-sponsored by Lubin's Entrepreneurship Lab and the Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, the annual Mobile App Design Competition is based on the popular hackathon concept. Students formed nine teams to create concept mobile applications and demonstrated them to the audience and judges. A prototype of a pet-focused app, Pawperfect, won first place. View photos, videos, and highlights from the contest.

Pace Pitch Competition

Pace Pitch Competition

The 17th Annual Pace Pitch Competition was based on the elevator pitch concept. Finalists had three minutes to pitch their new venture ideas to a distinguished panel of judges. This year's entries were submitted by 13 teams and the winners were announced on April 23. The first prize, in the amount of $1,000, was awarded to EntertainMED, a platform that connects artists and entertainment workers with specialized healthcare professionals. Second and third prizes were awarded to High Rider and Wepptek, respectively.

Student Success - Joanne Mantzouridou Onasi

Student Success - Joanne Mantzouridou Onasi

Ziplining for three hours straight requires a lot of courage and focus—so does being an entrepreneur, moving across the world for a graduate degree, and starting a student club on campus. Joanne Mantzouridou Onasi has done all these things and even more, proving that she is a go-getter. Learn more about Joanne and see more of our Student Success stories. Share your #LubinLife story with our community. Contact Ana Donner Gonzalez, assistant director, Digital and Social Content.

Get to Know Us

Get to Know Us

Lubin's new video series places a spotlight on the personal lives of our faculty and staff. See a different side of Lubin as we show off our kids, pets, hobbies, and more. Take a look at the first video in the series and you may see some faces you recognize.

Jefferson Award Winners

Jefferson Award Winners

Two members of the Lubin family were recognized as "unsung heroes" who are working to make the world a better place through volunteering and community service. Jolina Halloran '89, '95 and Kadija Shaw '21 were awarded Jefferson Awards, also known as the "Nobel Prize for public service." Read more about their accomplishments.

Faculty Spotlight

Faculty Spotlight

Lights, camera, action! Lubin's new Faculty Spotlight initiative places attention on faculty and the work they are doing inside and outside of the classroom. In their profiles, faculty administer sage academic and professional advice while also discussing the paths they charted to get to where they are at this juncture in their lives. Dr. Patrick McGuigan joined the United States Marine Corps as a teenager. Since then, his life has been full of adventure and risk-taking. Read his profile and see what he has to say about business, self-discovery, personal responsibility, hardship, and fear, among other things.

Faculty Bookshelf

Faculty Bookshelf

Dr. Christian Madu's book, House of Quality in a Minute: A Guide to Quality Function Deployment (3rd edition-2020), focuses on Quality Function Deployment (QFD) as an effective tool for helping organizations become more competitive by designing their products and services to satisfy customers' requirements. The book guides readers toward understanding how company-wide quality activities are related to QFD. This alignment is often lacking in other presentations that treat QFD as independent of other quality efforts, such as process change initiatives. Find out more about Dr. Madu's book here.

Enchanting Affirmations - Publications by Lubin Staff

Enchanting Affirmations - Publications by Lubin Staff

Congratulations to Adia Johnson, Lubin's accounting program coordinator on the New York City Campus! Adia, who is also a University 101 instructor and a youth leader, recently had her first book, Enchanting Me: 31 Daily Affirmations for Kids, published. Her book encourages children to embrace a positive mental attitude for growth and success in life. Prepare to be enchanted while learning more about Adia's book.

Spirit of Pace Awards Celebration

Spirit of Pace Awards Celebration

This year's Spirit of Pace Awards celebration will honor Lubin School of Business alumni: Joseph R. Ianniello '90, with the Leaders in Management Award, and Robert S. Ellin '91, with the Lubin Alumni Achievement Award. Carl and Betty Pforzheimer will be honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award; Nancy A. Garvey will be honored with the Impact Award; and Elmer-Rico E. Mojica, PhD, will be honored with the Homer and Charles Pace Faculty Award. The ceremony will be held virtually on Thursday, June 10, 2021.

Pace University Alumni Association Launch

Based on findings from the all alumni survey in 2020, the Office of Alumni Relations, with the support of the Pace Board of Trustees, has unanimously endorsed the establishment of a Pace University Alumni Association. The purpose of the Alumni Association will be to create a sense of belonging and a home for our great alumni. Through the Association, alumni will have new and exciting opportunities to engage with Pace and our thriving alumni network of over 155,000 people.

Reunion 2021

Our first-ever virtual Reunion will be held on June 3! This year, it's double the fun, with more than 20 class years invited to join in the festivities. You won't want to miss "Survey Says: Reunion 2021," a Family Feud-style, interactive game. We will also be hosting a panel discussion with faculty and alumni experts about new technology for health. All are welcome to celebrate as we recognize our milestone class years ending in 0, 1, 5, and 6. Register online by visiting our Reunion website. Through our 1906 Challenge on June 2 and 3, you can also support Pace by making a gift in honor of your class year, school of graduation, or area/program of choice.
As Seen on Social Media

At #PaceU, we really value the power of interdisciplinary work, and these two students from Lubin and @dysoncollege are taking this concept to the next level. Jacob Selman '24 and Ethan McKellar '24 might be first-year students, but they've hit the ground running since coming to Pace. This past September, they launched @f14entertainment, a media production company that encourages students to collaborate on creative projects. They've already launched a new musical artist's career, created a public service short film advocating for face coverings, networked with Gen-Z creators through multiple podcast episodes, and so much more. #PaceGoGetters

As Seen on Social Media

As Seen on Social Media

Got News?

What's your #LubinLife story? We want to hear from you about your internships, jobs, exciting hobbies/interests, awards, and/or scholarships! Your #LubinLife story may be featured on our social spaces, website, or even in our #LubinLife newsletter. Contact Ana Donner Gonzalez, assistant director, Digital and Social Content, for more information.

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